It’s becoming fairly common knowledge that one of the primary ways to drive a website’s SEO is through lots of high-quality content. However, in order to create the high-quality content that not only interests current and future clients and customers but also builds their trust, one has to ensure their sources are accurate. It’s no secret that the internet is riddled with false, misleading information and even outright lies. So how do you make sure your sources are good ones?
Determining Accuracy of Sources
It is a good idea to be wary of any information you come across on the internet until you can verify that it is accurate. Some sources may only give you part of the information on a subject, making it seem like things are one way when they may actually be another way entirely, and others may purposely or unintentionally alter facts and information when they pass it along. Studies can be flawed and are not always free from bias. Even more important to remember is the fact that any individual can literally get anything published on the internet, even if it’s complete nonsense. So how can you determine the accuracy of your content sources?
Five Suggestions to Consider:
1. Check for who has published the content of the page, and whether they have the authority to do so. Verify whether it is a legitimate organization, group, company or individual, and what their qualifications are.
2. Make sure the content has no grammar, spelling, punctuation, or syntax errors. Also make sure to list the sources clearly.
3. Read the content to make sure it’s impartial. If there is advertising on the same page, is it clearly separate and differentiated from the content or do they seem suspiciously related?
4. Verify when the content was written, first placed on the Web, or last revised. Especially if you are reading about time-sensitive issues, you want to ensure that the content is current.
5. Consider whether or not you’re giving readers the full picture. You may also want to consider the target audience and whether it is workable for your own needs.
The Result
Use these give tips and watch as your top quality content helps to drive in more traffic. Content is key to your online business success. Keeping content accurate and original are key. Utilizing SEO to your benefit is what gives you a competitive edge. Watch for consistency with your online data and maintain fresh content to build on your success. Remember, when in doubt, consider curating some new web content.