When it comes to email marketing, the size of an email list isn’t everything. While a large list can be good, given the right circumstances, it really comes down to quality over quantity. Having a massive list of emails that was purchased from some other company isn’t really valuable if it includes tons of dead email addresses. Also, it lacks value if it includes people who have absolutely no interest in the product or service. This is why building an organic email list is often the better option. This way as there will be more people who actually have some degree of interest. These people are more likely to actually engage back. Check out the tips below to build an organic email list and practice successful marketing by email.
Attract New Customers with a Call to Action
A call to action can be an incredibly valuable! In fact, it can help to attract new customers for email marketing campaigns. A well-worded call to action in a blog or landing page encourages readers to join the mailing list. Since these people have already arrived at the page and stuck around to read, then they are likely more interested and may want more. Calls to action are very easy tools to help attract those who are already visiting the company site.
Offer Something to Entice the Visitor
Offering something to a website visitor can be another great way to get them onto your email list. This does not have to be anything expensive, or even a physical item at all. There are many successful websites that offer an incentive to subscribe to an email list, such as an ebook, coupons, or exclusive article. All of these options are easy enough to create! Likewise, each offer value to the customer by simply joining a mailing list.
Try a Timed Website Pop-Up
Some websites employ timed pop-ups that encourage the reader to subscribe to the mailing list. In other words, after the reader has been browsing the site for a little bit, a screen will pop-up. These features will ask them to join the list. Pop-ups may be annoying to some. However, they have actually shown to be quite successful, especially when combined with an enticing offer, as mentioned above.
Interesting Content
A crucial factor in getting people willing to join an email marketing list is to actually have good content. There is so much generic filler content out there that offers no real value to the customer, which is going to make them less likely to subscribe to regular emails. It is critical to have a solid content flow and email marketing strategy to ensure that website visitors are actually being engaged by the site and offers. This is especially true if you plan to include extensive text within the emails themselves. The customer should want to read the emails they receive and engage back with them often (by clicking links, sharing, or more).
The Ideal Strategy
The ideal email marketing strategy can vary between companies based on their particular product, services, and audience, but the above are general tips that can be applied pretty much across the board. Even better, use a combination of the above to create an email marketing strategy that customers will love to join and they’ll begin reaching out to the company, too. Over time, you can create a long and quality list from those who came to the website and joined the list on their own, which is going to offer better results than purchased lists of people unfamiliar with your company.