A primary purpose for having a website is to inform potential public about your products or services. However, unless these individuals know or guess your exact web address, they will have to rely on SEO to show them the way. This means that your web content will need to be carefully written.
SEO Basics
Simply establishing a website that discusses your business’ products or services does not automatically guarantee you will have the traffic you need to achieve success. Following are five SEO basics you need to know about web content writing:
1. Choose the proper keywords.
These words and short phrases describe the main topics on your website and give readers a good picture of what your products or services are. However, if you use keywords that draw people to your website but don’t correctly convey what your products or services are, you will not keep these individuals on your website. For example, if you use keywords like “ballet clothing” when in fact you specialize in making personalized ballet outfits for infants, you may have a lot of clicks onto your website–only to lose a lot of frustrated individuals who were looking for adult ballet clothing.
2. Use keywords in your content titles and headings.
When an individual enters these words into a search engine, the search engine may recognize that your website addresses that topic, and it, therefore may show your website near the top of its search results.
3. Use keywords liberally but correctly throughout your content itself.
Using your keyword as often as possible throughout your content may not serve to improve your SEO at all, and in fact, may damage it. Users may be interested in content that matches their query, but not if this content has no real value and is essentially only loaded with keywords.
4. Ensure content is professional and well-written.
Content should always be written in a way that is appealing and interesting, properly titled and professional. Content that contains grammatical or spelling errors may not only fail to come up in keyword searches, it can affect how the user thinks about the website.
5. Provide content that readers will find engaging and valuable.
Once an individual makes it to your website, your content determines whether or not they stay. Readers love to have easy answers to common questions, and tips that help them to improve their life in some way.
What most businesses don’t realize is basics are key. There can be no expansion or optimal results without keeping the basics in, even on your website. In this technological world, SEO and content come hand-in-hand to give you the traffic you need to build your business to a booming enterprise. With everything found on the web now, your content helps you stick out from the repetitive crowd. Know what to do by applying these steps and watch as your web traffic increases and the relevancy of your content reveals the consumers you want.