If your business is like most marketing companies, you have a lot of different services available. Everything from SEO to website design to branding may fall under your repertoire. If you are struggling to keep up with the demand for content or are looking to expand your business, white label copywriting may be the way to go.
What is white label copywriting?
White label copywriting services are provided by freelancers or a copywriting agency outside your company. You can utilize this service instead of hiring an in-house writer. This will save you time and money. White label copywriting provides you with the content you need at a fraction of the cost of staffing a full-time position. It also takes the burden of copywriting off of other employees in your company that might feel stronger in their marketing skills than their writing skills.
What are the benefits of using white label copywriting services?
There are many upsides to adding white label copywriting to your company. If you did not previously offer copywriting for clients, it will expand your content offerings. Companies of all kinds, from restaurants to law firms, can use a blog on their website as part of their marketing strategy. Being able to offer content like blog posts is a great way to make your marketing company more money.
Speaking of, you will also save money by hiring outside copywriters for each job you need. A full-time copywriter makes significantly more in a year than you can fairly pay a group of people per article. This approach saves you money and spreads the wealth among multiple writers instead of one or two employees.
These freelancers are more likely to be expert copywriters than any random person throwing content together at your company. This makes your whole business look better. You are able to offer clients high-quality work that is effective and well written.
What should I look for when choosing this service?
There are many places online to find freelancers. Taking time to hire the best ones is an important step in establishing white label copywriting in your marketing firm. Look for copywriters that are experienced but in your price range. Ask to see a variety of previous work. People who can write well about anything are preferred to those who can write exceptionally about only a specific topic.
Whether you reach out to individual freelancers directly or a copywriting agency, you want to establish a good relationship with your copywriters. Even though they don’t work directly for your company, it is nice to have people that will almost always pick up whatever job you have for them and turn it around fast. Reliable, hard-working people are never a detriment to a business.
How do I know what white label copywriting service is best?
There are so many different copywriters, agencies, and freelancers. How do you find the best one for your business? Honestly, that is up to you. You want the white label copywriting for your company to fit seamlessly into your brand. It is ghostwriting, after all. Clients should not be able to tell that writers outside your company are creating the content. Research different copywriting agencies and look into different freelancers until you find the ones that fit the best within your company. Of course, they should be trustworthy and established, but beyond that, it varies from business to business. Think about the type of content you want them to be copywriting as well. Freelancers who do mostly blog posts may need a different set of skills than those who create informational website copy.
If you need help with white label copywriting for your business, contact Web Content Development today.