If you’re anything like us, you might find yourself browsing around travel websites after work (or heck, during). Daydreaming about your next family vacation, business trip, or your longtime dream destination. For some of us, our ideal trip is with our significant other. It could involve a trip to the beach, a nice outfit, and a short jaunt in the casino. But that’s just some of us. Regardless, if you’re a daycation dreamer then you’ve likely spent some time over at TripAdvisor.
For those who don’t know, TripAdvisor is a website that hosts reviews for hotels, restaurants, bookings, and all sorts of other options related to travel. The services are free, helpful, and the website format is pleasing to the eye. With more than 300 million users, TripAdvisor is a bonafide success. But why is that, and how? TripAdvisor’s go-to marketing strategy is the answer to their success. We’ll expand more on how they do it below.
Let The People Have Their Say
One of the more powerful marketing strategies is the ability to allow your consumers to have a voice. Being able to voice your feelings about your experiences is important for any consumer of any product. Let’s say you book a night at a beautiful new hotel in Las Vegas. You’ve paid top dollar to stay on the Strip near the action and the hotel is featuring the latest and greatest. But this particular hotel isn’t near that many of the other big hotels, so you have to taxi everywhere. It also ends up that there isn’t a show at your hotel so you’re out of luck for entertainment unless you just want to gamble.
The rooms also aren’t quite as spacious as you would have thought and the service isn’t as good as you’d like. That might be fine, but this hotel has costed more money than an older hotel would have. An older hotel is, of course, older, but the rooms may be spacious, it’s closer to the other big hotels, and it has a big show. That’s important information to share on TripAdvisor, and letting the people have their say is just one marketing strategy example employed by the travel site.
Going Mobile
This might seem a bit reductive but creating an app that allows for the easiest possible access to your product is imperative. But if you can also add a hub, where you can personalize your account and check in with others. This can be a game changer. If there’s a go-to marketing strategy that’s an almost surefire win, it’s the ability to allow users to connect with each other via an easy to use app. The hub allows users to publish their own thoughts to a community of people which includes your company. You can see how users interact with your product, and you can update it as you see fit to better serve your users. People may not update their apps as frequently if they’re using a website. However, if they’re working from the convenience of their own phone, there’s a larger chance and more opportunity for people to provide data.
Web Content Development
If you’re looking to update your marketing strategy a la TripAdvisor for your company or website, contact us today! Here at Web Content Development, we’re committed to using the latest marketing techniques and strategies to improve your business!